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MN49 – Brahma-nimantanika Sutta – The Brahma Invitation – 中部四九 梵天請經

About 36 min

MN49 – Brahma-nimantanika Sutta – The Brahma Invitation – 中部四九 梵天請經

Pāli – 巴利文
Source – 原文open in new window

English – 英文
Thanissaro Bhikkhu translation –
坦尼沙羅尊者 譯open in new window

莊春江 譯open in new window

通妙 譯open in new window

Evaṃ me sutaṃ. Ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṃ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: “bhikkhavo”ti.

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika’s monastery. There he addressed the monks, “Monks!”



“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṃ.

“Yes, lord,” the monks responded.



Bhagavā etadavoca: “Ekamidāhaṃ, bhikkhave, samayaṃ ukkaṭṭhāyaṃ viharāmi subhagavane sālarājamūle. Tena kho pana, bhikkhave, samayena bakassa brahmuno evarūpaṃ pāpakaṃ diṭṭhigataṃ uppannaṃ hoti: ‘idaṃ niccaṃ, idaṃ dhuvaṃ, idaṃ sassataṃ, idaṃ kevalaṃ, idaṃ acavanadhammaṃ, idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, ito ca panaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇaṃ natthī’ti.

The Blessed One said: “On one occasion recently I was staying in Ukkattha in the Subhaga forest at the root of a royal sala tree. Now on that occasion an evil viewpoint had arisen to Baka-Brahma: ‘This is constant. This is permanent. This is eternal. This is total. This is not subject to falling away — for this does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, does not reappear. And there is no other, higher escape.’



Atha khvāhaṃ, bhikkhave, bakassa brahmuno cetasā cetoparivitakkamaññāya—seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso samiñjitaṃ vā bāhaṃ pasāreyya, pasāritaṃ vā bāhaṃ samiñjeyya; evameva—ukkaṭṭhāyaṃ subhagavane sālarājamūle antarahito tasmiṃ brahmaloke pāturahosiṃ.

So I — having known with my awareness the train of thought in Baka Brahma’s awareness — as a strong man would extend his flexed arm or flex his extended arm, vanished into the root of the royal sala tree in the Subhaga forest in Ukkattha and appeared in that brahma world.



Addasā kho maṃ, bhikkhave, bako brahmā dūratova āgacchantaṃ; disvāna maṃ etadavoca: ‘ehi kho, mārisa, svāgataṃ, mārisa. Cirassaṃ kho, mārisa, imaṃ pariyāyamakāsi yadidaṃ idhāgamanāya. Idañhi, mārisa, niccaṃ, idaṃ dhuvaṃ, idaṃ sassataṃ, idaṃ kevalaṃ, idaṃ acavanadhammaṃ, idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati. Ito ca panaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇaṃ natthī’ti.

Baka Brahma saw me coming in the distance and, on seeing me, said, ‘Come, good sir. You are well-come, good sir. It has been long, good sir, since you arranged to come here — for this, good sir, is constant. This is permanent. This is eternal. This is total. This is not subject to falling away — for here one does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, does not reappear. And there is no other, higher escape.’



Evaṃ vutte, ahaṃ, bhikkhave, bakaṃ brahmānaṃ etadavocaṃ: ‘avijjāgato vata bho bako brahmā, avijjāgato vata bho bako brahmā; yatra hi nāma aniccaṃyeva samānaṃ niccanti vakkhati, addhuvaṃyeva samānaṃ dhuvanti vakkhati, asassataṃyeva samānaṃ sassatanti vakkhati, akevalaṃyeva samānaṃ kevalanti vakkhati, cavanadhammaṃyeva samānaṃ acavanadhammanti vakkhati;

When this was said, I told Baka Brahma, ‘How immersed in ignorance is Baka Brahma! How immersed in ignorance is Baka Brahma! — in that what is actually inconstant he calls “constant.” What is actually impermanent he calls “permanent.” What is actually non-eternal he calls “eternal.” What is actually partial he calls “total.” What is actually subject to falling away he calls “not subject to falling away.”



yattha ca pana jāyati jīyati mīyati cavati upapajjati tañca vakkhati: “idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjatī”ti; santañca panaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇaṃ “natthaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇan”ti vakkhatī’ti.

Where one takes birth, ages, dies, falls away, and reappears, he says, “For here one does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, does not reappear.” And there being another, higher escape, he says, “There is no other, higher escape.”’



Atha kho, bhikkhave, māro pāpimā aññataraṃ brahmapārisajjaṃ anvāvisitvā maṃ etadavoca: ‘bhikkhu bhikkhu, metamāsado metamāsado, eso hi, bhikkhu, brahmā mahābrahmā abhibhū anabhibhūto aññadatthudaso vasavattī issaro kattā nimmātā seṭṭho sajitā vasī pitā bhūtabhabyānaṃ.

Then Mara, the Evil One, taking possession of an attendant of the Brahma assembly, said to me, ‘Monk! Monk! Don’t attack him! Don’t attack him! For this Brahma, monk, is the Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Sovereign Lord, the Maker, Creator, Chief, Appointer and Ruler, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be.



Ahesuṃ kho ye, bhikkhu, tayā pubbe samaṇabrāhmaṇā lokasmiṃ pathavīgarahakā pathavījigucchakā, āpagarahakā āpajigucchakā, tejagarahakā tejajigucchakā, vāyagarahakā vāyajigucchakā,

There were, monk, before your time, brahmans & contemplatives in the world who found fault with earth and were disgusted with earth, who found fault with liquid and were disgusted with liquid, who found fault with fire and were disgusted with fire, who found fault with wind and were disgusted with wind,



bhūtagarahakā bhūtajigucchakā, devagarahakā devajigucchakā, pajāpatigarahakā pajāpatijigucchakā, brahmagarahakā brahmajigucchakā—te kāyassa bhedā pāṇupacchedā hīne kāye patiṭṭhitā ahesuṃ.

who found fault with beings and were disgusted with beings, who found fault with devas and were disgusted with devas, who found fault with Pajapati and were disgusted with Pajapati, who found fault with Brahma and were disgusted with Brahma. ‘They, with the break-up of the body, with the cutting off of life, were established in a coarse body.



Ye pana, bhikkhu, tayā pubbe samaṇabrāhmaṇā lokasmiṃ pathavīpasaṃsakā pathavābhinandino, āpapasaṃsakā āpābhinandino, tejapasaṃsakā tejābhinandino, vāyapasaṃsakā vāyābhinandino, bhūtapasaṃsakā bhūtābhinandino, devapasaṃsakā devābhinandino, pajāpatipasaṃsakā pajāpatābhinandino, brahmapasaṃsakā brahmābhinandino—

There were, monk, before your time, brahmans & contemplatives in the world who praised earth and were delighted with earth, who praised liquid and were delighted with liquid, who praised fire and were delighted with fire, who praised wind and were delighted with wind, who praised beings and were delighted with beings, who praised devas and were delighted with devas, who praised Pajapati and were delighted with Pajapati, who praised Brahma and were delighted with Brahma.



te kāyassa bhedā pāṇupacchedā paṇīte kāye patiṭṭhitā. Taṃ tāhaṃ, bhikkhu, evaṃ vadāmi: “iṅgha tvaṃ, mārisa, yadeva te brahmā āha tadeva tvaṃ karohi, mā tvaṃ brahmuno vacanaṃ upātivattittho”. Sace kho tvaṃ, bhikkhu, brahmuno vacanaṃ upātivattissasi, seyyathāpi nāma puriso siriṃ āgacchantiṃ daṇḍena paṭippaṇāmeyya, seyyathāpi vā pana, bhikkhu, puriso narakappapāte papatanto hatthehi ca pādehi ca pathaviṃ virādheyya, evaṃ sampadamidaṃ, bhikkhu, tuyhaṃ bhavissati.

‘They, with the break-up of the body, with the cutting off of life, were established in a refined body. So I tell you, monk, Please, good sir, do only as Brahma says. Don’t defy the word of Brahma. If you defy the word of Brahma, then — as a man, when the goddess of fortune approaches, chases her away with a stick, or as a man, falling into hell, loses hold of the earth with his hands and feet — that will be what you have accomplished.



Iṅgha tvaṃ, mārisa, yadeva te brahmā āha tadeva tvaṃ karohi, mā tvaṃ brahmuno vacanaṃ upātivattittho. Nanu tvaṃ, bhikkhu, passasi brahmaparisaṃ sannipatitan’ti?

Please, good sir, do only as Brahma says. Don’t defy the word of Brahma. Don’t you see that Brahma’s assembly has gathered?”’ And so Mara the Evil One directed my attention to Brahma’s assembly.



Evaṃ vutte, ahaṃ, bhikkhave, māraṃ pāpimantaṃ etadavocaṃ: ‘jānāmi kho tāhaṃ, pāpima; mā tvaṃ maññittho: “na maṃ jānātī”ti. Māro tvamasi, pāpima. Yo ceva, pāpima, brahmā, yā ca brahmaparisā, ye ca brahmapārisajjā, sabbeva tava hatthagatā sabbeva tava vasaṅgatā. Tuyhañhi, pāpima, evaṃ hoti: “esopi me assa hatthagato, esopi me assa vasaṅgato”ti. Ahaṃ kho pana, pāpima, neva tava hatthagato neva tava vasaṅgato’ti. Iti kho maṃ, bhikkhave, māro pāpimā brahmaparisaṃ upanesi.

When this was said, I told Mara the Evil One, ‘I know you, Evil One. Don’t assume, He doesn’t know me.” You are Mara, Evil One. And Brahma, and Brahma’s assembly, and the attendants of Brahma’s assembly have all fallen into your hands. They have all fallen into your power. And you think, “This one, too, has come into my hands, has come under my control.” But, Evil One, I have neither come into your hands nor have I come under your control.’



Evaṃ vutte, bhikkhave, bako brahmā maṃ etadavoca: ‘ahañhi, mārisa, niccaṃyeva samānaṃ “niccan”ti vadāmi, dhuvaṃyeva samānaṃ “dhuvan”ti vadāmi, sassataṃyeva samānaṃ “sassatan”ti vadāmi, kevalaṃyeva samānaṃ “kevalan”ti vadāmi, acavanadhammaṃyeva samānaṃ “acavanadhamman”ti vadāmi, yattha ca pana na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati tadevāhaṃ vadāmi: “idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjatī”ti. Asantañca panaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇaṃ “natthaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇan”ti vadāmi.

When this was said, Baka Brahma told me, ‘But, good sir, what is actually constant I call constant.” What is actually permanent I call “permanent.” What is actually eternal I call “eternal.” What is actually total I call “total.” What is actually not subject to falling away I call “not subject to falling away.” Where one does not take birth, age, die, fall away, or reappear, I say, “For this does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, does not reappear.” And there being no other, higher escape, I say, “There is no other, higher escape.”



Ahesuṃ kho, bhikkhu, tayā pubbe samaṇabrāhmaṇā lokasmiṃ yāvatakaṃ tuyhaṃ kasiṇaṃ āyu tāvatakaṃ tesaṃ tapokammameva ahosi. Te kho evaṃ jāneyyuṃ santañca panaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇaṃ “atthaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇan”ti, asantaṃ vā aññaṃ uttari nissaraṇaṃ “natthaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇan”ti.

Taṃ tāhaṃ, bhikkhu, evaṃ vadāmi: “na cevaññaṃ uttari nissaraṇaṃ dakkhissasi, yāvadeva ca pana kilamathassa vighātassa bhāgī bhavissasi. Sace kho tvaṃ, bhikkhu, pathaviṃ ajjhosissasi, opasāyiko me bhavissasi vatthusāyiko, yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāhiteyyo. Sace āpaṃ … tejaṃ … vāyaṃ … bhūte … deve … pajāpatiṃ … brahmaṃ ajjhosissasi, opasāyiko me bhavissasi vatthusāyiko, yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāhiteyyo”’ti.



‘There were, monk, before your time, brahmans & contemplatives in the world whose ascetic practice lasted as long as your entire life span. They knew, when there was another, higher escape, that there was another, higher escape; or, when there was no other, higher escape, that there was no other, higher escape.

So I tell you, monk, both that you will not find another, higher escape, and that, to that extent, you will reap your share of trouble & weariness. Monk, if you relish earth, you will lie close to me, lie within my domain, for me to banish and to do with as I like. If you relish liquid ... fire ... wind ... beings ... devas ... Pajapati ... brahma, you will lie close to me, lie within my domain, for me to banish and to do with as I like.’



‘Ahampi kho evaṃ, brahme, jānāmi: “sace pathaviṃ ajjhosissāmi, opasāyiko te bhavissāmi vatthusāyiko, yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāhiteyyo. Sace āpaṃ … tejaṃ … vāyaṃ … bhūte … deve … pajāpatiṃ … brahmaṃ ajjhosissāmi, opasāyiko te bhavissāmi vatthusāyiko, yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāhiteyyo”ti api ca te ahaṃ, brahme, gatiñca pajānāmi, jutiñca pajānāmi: “evaṃ mahiddhiko bako brahmā, evaṃ mahānubhāvo bako brahmā, evaṃ mahesakkho bako brahmā”ti.

I, too, know that, brahma. If I relish earth, I will lie close to you, lie within your domain, for you to banish and to do with as you like. If I relish liquid ... fire ... wind ... beings ... devas ... Pajapati ... brahma, I will lie close to you, lie within your domain, for you to banish and to do with as you like. Moreover, I discern your sphere, I discern your splendor: “Baka Brahma has this much great power. Baka Brahma has this much great might. Baka Brahma has this much great influence.”’



Yathākathaṃ pana me tvaṃ, mārisa, gatiñca pajānāsi, jutiñca pajānāsi: “evaṃ mahiddhiko bako brahmā, evaṃ mahānubhāvo bako brahmā, evaṃ mahesakkho bako brahmā”’ti?

‘Well, monk, how do you discern my sphere, how do you discern my splendor: Baka Brahma has this much great power. Baka Brahma has this much great might. Baka Brahma has this much great influence”?’



‘Yāvatā candimasūriyā, Pariharanti disā bhanti virocanā; Tāva sahassadhā loko, Ettha te vattate vaso. Paroparañca jānāsi, atho rāgavirāginaṃ; Itthabhāvaññathābhāvaṃ, sattānaṃ āgatiṃ gatinti.

‘As far as suns & moons revolve, shining, illuminating the directions, over a thousand-fold world your control holds sway. There you know those above & below, those with lust & those without, the state of what is as it is, the state of what becomes otherwise, the coming & going of beings.

『所有日月運行之所及,光亮照耀四方, 大約一千個那樣的世界,在那裡都存在你的影響力。 你知道勝劣,以及貪與離貪者, 像這樣的狀態與其它狀態,眾生的來處與趣處。

『日月所繞行光輝照十方 卿之大偉力達及千世界 卿知高與卑有欲及無欲 此有及彼有有情之去來

Evaṃ kho te ahaṃ, brahme, gatiñca pajānāmi jutiñca pajānāmi: “evaṃ mahiddhiko bako brahmā, evaṃ mahānubhāvo bako brahmā, evaṃ mahesakkho bako brahmā”ti. Atthi kho, brahme, añño kāyo, taṃ tvaṃ na jānāsi na passasi; tamahaṃ jānāmi passāmi.

That, brahma, is how I discern your sphere, that is how I discern your splendor: “Baka Brahma has this much great power. Baka Brahma has this much great might. Baka Brahma has this much great influence.” There are, brahma, bodies other than yours that you don’t know, don’t see, but that I know, I see.



Atthi kho, brahme, ābhassarā nāma kāyo yato tvaṃ cuto idhūpapanno. Tassa te aticiranivāsena sā sati pamuṭṭhā, tena taṃ tvaṃ na jānāsi na passasi; tamahaṃ jānāmi passāmi. Evampi kho ahaṃ, brahme, neva te samasamo abhiññāya, kuto nīceyyaṃ? Atha kho ahameva tayā bhiyyo.

There is, brahma, the body named Abhassara (Radiant/Luminous) from which you fell away & reappeared here. From your having lived here so long, your memory of that has become muddled. That is why you don’t know it, don’t see it, but I know it, I see it. Thus I am not your mere equal in terms of direct knowing, so how could I be inferior? I am actually superior to you.



Atthi kho, brahme, subhakiṇho nāma kāyo, vehapphalo nāma kāyo, abhibhū nāma kāyo, taṃ tvaṃ na jānāsi na passasi; tamahaṃ jānāmi passāmi. Evampi kho ahaṃ, brahme, neva te samasamo abhiññāya, kuto nīceyyaṃ? Atha kho ahameva tayā bhiyyo.

‘There is, brahma, the body named Subhakinha (Beautiful Black/Refulgent Glory) ... the body named Vehapphala (Sky-fruit/Great Fruit), {the body named Abhibhu (Conqueror)} which you don’t know, don’t see, but that I know, I see. Thus I am not your mere equal in terms of direct knowing, so how could I be your inferior? I am actually superior to you.



Pathaviṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme, pathavito abhiññāya yāvatā pathaviyā pathavattena ananubhūtaṃ tadabhiññāya pathaviṃ nāpahosiṃ, pathaviyā nāpahosiṃ, pathavito nāpahosiṃ, pathaviṃ meti nāpahosiṃ, pathaviṃ nābhivadiṃ. Evampi kho ahaṃ, brahme, neva te samasamo abhiññāya, kuto nīceyyaṃ? Atha kho ahameva tayā bhiyyo.

Having directly known earth as earth, and having directly known the extent of what has not been experienced through the earthness of earth, I wasn’t earth, I wasn’t in earth, I wasn’t coming from earth, I wasn’t “Earth is mine.” I didn’t affirm earth. Thus I am not your mere equal in terms of direct knowing, so how could I be inferior? I am actually superior to you.



Āpaṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … tejaṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … vāyaṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … bhūte kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … deve kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … pajāpatiṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … brahmaṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … ābhassare kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … subhakiṇhe kho ahaṃ, brahme … … pe … vehapphale kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe … abhibhuṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme … pe …

‘Having directly known liquid as liquid ... fire as fire ... wind as wind ... beings as beings ... devas as devas ... Pajapati as Pajapati ... brahma as brahma ... the radiant as radiant ... the beautiful black as the beautiful black ... the sky-fruit as the sky-fruit ... the conqueror as the conqueror ...



sabbaṃ kho ahaṃ, brahme, sabbato abhiññāya yāvatā sabbassa sabbattena ananubhūtaṃ tadabhiññāya sabbaṃ nāpahosiṃ sabbasmiṃ nāpahosiṃ sabbato nāpahosiṃ sabbaṃ meti nāpahosiṃ, sabbaṃ nābhivadiṃ. Evampi kho ahaṃ, brahme, neva te samasamo abhiññāya, kuto nīceyyaṃ? Atha kho ahameva tayā bhiyyo’ti.

Having directly known the all as the all, and having directly known the extent of what has not been experienced through the allness of the all, I wasn’t the all, I wasn’t in the all, I wasn’t coming forth from the all, I wasn’t “The all is mine.” I didn’t affirm the all. Thus I am not your mere equal in terms of direct knowing, so how could I be inferior? I am actually superior to you.’



‘Sace kho, mārisa, sabbassa sabbattena ananubhūtaṃ, tadabhiññāya mā heva te rittakameva ahosi, tucchakameva ahosīti.

“‘If, good sir, you have directly known the extent of what has not been experienced through the allness of the all, may it not turn out to be actually vain and void for you.’



Viññāṇaṃ anidassanaṃ anantaṃ sabbato pabhaṃ,

Consciousness without surface,” endless, radiant all around,”



taṃ pathaviyā pathavattena ananubhūtaṃ, āpassa āpattena ananubhūtaṃ, tejassa tejattena ananubhūtaṃ, vāyassa vāyattena ananubhūtaṃ,

has not been experienced through the earthness of earth ... the liquidity of liquid ... the fieriness of fire ... the windiness of wind ...



bhūtānaṃ bhūtattena ananubhūtaṃ, devānaṃ devattena ananubhūtaṃ, pajāpatissa pajāpatittena ananubhūtaṃ, brahmānaṃ brahmattena ananubhūtaṃ, ābhassarānaṃ ābhassarattena ananubhūtaṃ, subhakiṇhānaṃ subhakiṇhattena ananubhūtaṃ, vehapphalānaṃ vehapphalattena ananubhūtaṃ, abhibhussa abhibhuttena ananubhūtaṃ, sabbassa sabbattena ananubhūtaṃ.

... the allness of the all.’



Handa carahi te, mārisa, passa antaradhāyāmī’ti.

“‘Well then, good sir, I will disappear from you.’



‘Handa carahi me tvaṃ, brahme, antaradhāyassu, sace visahasī’ti.

Well then, brahma, disappear from me if you can.’”



Atha kho, bhikkhave, bako brahmā: ‘antaradhāyissāmi samaṇassa gotamassa, antaradhāyissāmi samaṇassa gotamassā’ti nevassu me sakkoti antaradhāyituṃ.

“Then Baka Brahma, [thinking,] ‘I will disappear from Gotama the contemplative. I will disappear from Gotama the contemplative,’ was not able to disappear from me.



Evaṃ vutte, ahaṃ, bhikkhave, bakaṃ brahmānaṃ etadavocaṃ: ‘handa carahi te brahme antaradhāyāmī’ti.

When this was said, I said to Baka Brahma, ‘Well then, brahma, I will disappear from you.’



‘Handa carahi me tvaṃ, mārisa, antaradhāyassu sace visahasī’ti.

Well then, good sir, disappear from me if you can.’”



Atha kho ahaṃ, bhikkhave, tathārūpaṃ iddhābhisaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkhāsiṃ: ‘ettāvatā brahmā ca brahmaparisā ca brahmapārisajjā ca saddañca me sossanti, na ca maṃ dakkhantī’ti. Antarahito imaṃ gāthaṃ abhāsiṃ:

“So then, monks, I fabricated a fabrication of psychic power to the extent that Brahma, the Brahma assembly, and the attendants of the Brahma assembly heard my voice but did not see me. Having disappeared, I recited this verse:



‘Bhavevāhaṃ bhayaṃ disvā, bhavañca vibhavesinaṃ; Bhavaṃ nābhivadiṃ kiñci, nandiñca na upādiyin’ti.

Having seen danger right in becoming, and becoming searching for non-becoming, I didn’t affirm any kind of becoming, or cling to any delight.’



Atha kho, bhikkhave, brahmā ca brahmaparisā ca brahmapārisajjā ca acchariyabbhutacittajātā ahesuṃ: ‘acchariyaṃ vata bho, abbhutaṃ vata bho. Samaṇassa gotamassa mahiddhikatā mahānubhāvatā, na ca vata no ito pubbe diṭṭho vā, suto vā, añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā evaṃ mahiddhiko evaṃ mahānubhāvo yathāyaṃ samaṇo gotamo sakyaputto sakyakulā pabbajito.

Then in Brahma, the Brahma assembly, and the attendants of the Brahma assembly there arose a sense of amazement & awe: ‘How amazing! How awesome! — The great power, the great might of Gotama the contemplative! Never before have we seen or heard of any other contemplative or brahman of such great power, such great might as that of this Gotama the contemplative, who went forth from a Sakyan clan!



Bhavarāmāya vata, bho, pajāya bhavaratāya bhavasammuditāya samūlaṃ bhavaṃ udabbahī’ti.

Living in a generation that so delights in becoming, so rejoices in becoming, is so fond of becoming, he has pulled out becoming by the root!’”



Atha kho, bhikkhave, māro pāpimā aññataraṃ brahmapārisajjaṃ anvāvisitvā maṃ etadavoca: ‘sace kho tvaṃ, mārisa, evaṃ pajānāsi, sace tvaṃ evaṃ anubuddho, mā sāvake upanesi, mā pabbajite; mā sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ desesi, mā pabbajitānaṃ; mā sāvakesu gedhimakāsi, mā pabbajitesu.

Then Mara, the Evil One, taking possession of an attendant of the Brahma assembly, said to me, ‘If, good sir, this is what you discern, if this is what you have awakened to, do not lead (lay) disciples or those gone forth. Do not teach the Dhamma to (lay) disciples or those gone forth. Do not yearn for (lay) disciples or those gone forth.



Ahesuṃ kho, bhikkhu, tayā pubbe samaṇabrāhmaṇā lokasmiṃ arahanto sammāsambuddhā paṭijānamānā. Te sāvake upanesuṃ pabbajite, sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ desesuṃ pabbajitānaṃ, sāvakesu gedhimakaṃsu pabbajitesu, te sāvake upanetvā pabbajite, sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ desetvā pabbajitānaṃ, sāvakesu gedhitacittā pabbajitesu, kāyassa bhedā pāṇupacchedā hīne kāye patiṭṭhitā.

There were, good sir, before your time, brahmans & contemplatives in the world who claimed to be worthy & rightly self-awakened. They led (lay) disciples & those gone forth. They taught the Dhamma to (lay) disciples & those gone forth. They yearned for (lay) disciples & those gone forth. Having led (lay) disciples & those gone forth, having taught the Dhamma to (lay) disciples & those gone forth, having yearned for (lay) disciples & those gone forth, they — on the break-up of the body, with the cutting off of life — were established in a coarse body.



Ahesuṃ ye pana, bhikkhu, tayā pubbe samaṇabrāhmaṇā lokasmiṃ arahanto sammāsambuddhā paṭijānamānā. Te na sāvake upanesuṃ na pabbajite, na sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ desesuṃ na pabbajitānaṃ, na sāvakesu gedhimakaṃsu na pabbajitesu, te na sāvake upanetvā na pabbajite, na sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ desetvā na pabbajitānaṃ, na sāvakesu gedhitacittā na pabbajitesu, kāyassa bhedā pāṇupacchedā paṇīte kāye patiṭṭhitā.

There were, good sir, before your time, brahmans & contemplatives in the world who claimed to be worthy & rightly self-awakened. They did not lead (lay) disciples or those gone forth. They did not teach the Dhamma to (lay) disciples or those gone forth. They did not yearn for (lay) disciples or those gone forth. Having not led (lay) disciples or those gone forth, having not taught the Dhamma to (lay) disciples or those gone forth, having not yearned for (lay) disciples or those gone forth, they — on the break-up of the body, with the cutting off of life — were established in a refined body.



Taṃ tāhaṃ, bhikkhu, evaṃ vadāmi—iṅgha tvaṃ, mārisa, appossukko diṭṭhadhammasukhavihāramanuyutto viharassu, anakkhātaṃ kusalañhi, mārisa, mā paraṃ ovadāhī’ti.

‘So, monk, I tell you this: Please, good sir, be effortless. Abide committed to a pleasant abiding in the here-&-now — for it is skillful, good sir, that this not be taught. Don’t instruct others.’



Evaṃ vutte, ahaṃ, bhikkhave, māraṃ pāpimantaṃ etadavocaṃ: ‘jānāmi kho tāhaṃ, pāpima, mā tvaṃ maññittho: “na maṃ jānātī”ti. Māro tvamasi, pāpima. Na maṃ tvaṃ, pāpima, hitānukampī evaṃ vadesi; ahitānukampī maṃ tvaṃ, pāpima, evaṃ vadesi. Tuyhañhi, pāpima, evaṃ hoti: “yesaṃ samaṇo gotamo dhammaṃ desessati, te me visayaṃ upātivattissantī”ti. Asammāsambuddhāva pana te, pāpima, samānā sammāsambuddhāmhāti paṭijāniṃsu.

When this was said, I told Mara the Evil One, ‘I know you, Evil One. Don’t assume, “He doesn’t know me.” You are Mara, Evil One. And it’s not sympathetic to welfare that you speak thus to me. It’s sympathetic to what is not welfare that you speak thus to me. You think this, Evil One: “Those to whom Gotama the contemplative will teach the Dhamma will defy my sovereignty. Without being rightly self-awakened, Evil One, your contemplatives & brahmans claimed to be rightly self-awakened.



Ahaṃ kho pana, pāpima, sammāsambuddhova samāno sammāsambuddhomhīti paṭijānāmi. Desentopi hi, pāpima, tathāgato sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ tādisova adesentopi hi, pāpima, tathāgato sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ tādisova. Upanentopi hi, pāpima, tathāgato sāvake tādisova, anupanentopi hi, pāpima, tathāgato sāvake tādisova.

I, however, being rightly self-awakened claim to be rightly self-awakened. For when the Tathagata is teaching the Dhamma to his disciples, he is Such. When he is not teaching the Dhamma to his disciples, he is Such. When leading his disciples he is Such. When not leading his disciples he is Such.



Taṃ kissa hetu? Tathāgatassa, pāpima, ye āsavā saṅkilesikā ponobbhavikā sadarā dukkhavipākā āyatiṃ jātijarāmaraṇiyā—te pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṃ anuppādadhammā.

Why is that? The fermentations that defile, that lead to further becoming, that disturb, that ripen in stress, that tend to future birth, aging, & death: Those the Tathagata has abandoned, their root destroyed, like an uprooted palmyra tree, deprived of the conditions of development, not destined for future arising.



Seyyathāpi, pāpima, tālo matthakacchinno abhabbo puna virūḷhiyā; evameva kho, pāpima, tathāgatassa ye āsavā saṅkilesikā ponobbhavikā sadarā dukkhavipākā āyatiṃ jātijarāmaraṇiyā—te pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṃ anuppādadhammā’ti.

Just as a palmyra tree with its crown cut off is incapable of growing again; so, too, the fermentations that defile, that lead to further becoming, that disturb, that ripen in stress, that tend to future birth, aging, & death: Those the Tathagata has abandoned, their root destroyed, like an uprooted palmyra tree, deprived of the conditions of development, not destined for future arising.’”



Iti hidaṃ mārassa ca anālapanatāya brahmuno ca abhinimantanatāya, tasmā imassa veyyākaraṇassa brahmanimantanikantveva adhivacanan”ti.

Thus, because of the silencing of Mara, and because of the brahma’s invitation, this discourse is entitled, “The Brahma Invitation.”

